+ Brand Identity
+ Packaging
+ Campaign
University - Final Major Project
Densi is a natural hair care brand that not only embraces natural curls but simultaneously encourages people to learn about the history of black hair & beauty.
Cornrows—a common hairstyle worn amongst black women and folks hold such a rich history. During the slave trade, slaves would use these hairstyles to hide materials such as gold and rice in between their hair, amongst the swirls and coils. Densi used this insight in order to build the branding and concept of ‘The treasure that lay in your hair’ as well as ‘The stories that lay in your hair’ in order to cherish and treasure natural hair as well as the ‘unravelling’ the beauty to find out the history underneath.
There is more to the hair as there is more to the packaging. The packaging can be unravelled to reveal historical facts about black beauty in short captions, where users can learn more about their hair, whilst creating a conversation for people to start recognising the depth of black beauty. Taking advantage of packaging in a way that creates an incentive of breaking down the barriers yet remaining beautiful and lush.